Research has it that porn addiction is the same as alcohol addiction in the brain.

In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells.
Photo credit: Covenanteyes
The brain includes several distinct dopamine systems, one of which plays a major role in reward-motivated behaviour. Most types of reward increase the level of dopamine in the brain, and a variety of addictive drugs increase dopamine neuronal activity.

Recently, three UK judges were sacked in London for viewing pornography on official equipment at work and a recorder was made to resign. The four of them all viewed it differently.
 Source: RTE News. This can be linked to addiction.

One of them suffered from depression and had this to say: "I do not wish to comment save to say that for some years before, and during, the period covered by the conduct which formed the subject of the complaint laid against me I was suffering from severe and undiagnosed depression."

 Depression, alcohol, porn. Can you link it now?  

  • Porn short-circuits the system just like alcohol.
  • When having sex or watching porn, dopamine is released into a region of the brain responsible for emotion and learning, giving the viewer a sense of sharp focus and a sense of craving: 

 That feeling ehn...

  •  It supplies a great sense of pleasure. The next time the viewer gets the “itch” for more sexual pleasure, small packets of dopamine are released in the brain telling the user: “Remember where you got your fix last time.” Before you know it you just type the url on your browser in incognito mode.The brain’s version of adrenaline. It tells the brain, “Something is about to happen, get ready for it.”
  • Sex or porn also trigger the release of oxytocin and vasopressin. These hormones help to lay down the long-term memories for the cells. They “bind” a person’s memories to the object or person that gave him or her the sexual pleasure.
  • The body releases endorphins, natural opiates that create a “high,” a wave of pleasure over the whole body.
  • Photo credit:
  • After sexual release serotonin levels change, bringing a sense of calm and relaxation.

This system works the way it is supposed to work when you’re having sex with your spouse (Yes with your spouse). Together you can experience a high, an alertness of sexual pleasure, and the deep calm afterwards (norepinephrine, endorphins, and serotonin). With each sexual embrace you are emotionally bonding to this person (oxytocin and vasopressin).

Over time, a craving for porn or sex is transformed into a desire for another (dopamine).

I saw a TEDx talk by Gary Wilson a physiology teacher who explained that when men look at porn, they experience surge after surge of dopamine in the brain (wastage). The brain eventually fatigues, stopping the production of dopamine, leaving the viewer wanting more but unable to reach a level of satisfaction.

Photo credit: Chicagonow
As a result, everyday pleasures stop causing excitement and the viewer seeks out more and more intense pornography to get the same high as before.
Photo Credit: Hubpages

This imbalance in the brain leads to many problems: impotence during sex, frequent masturbation with very little satisfaction, anxiety, fatigue, lack of motivation, inability to concentrate, and escalating tastes for more weird porn which is quite dangerous. 
What we absorb takes over our mind. What is the nutrition of your mind? Porn does not agree with our well being generally. It has an addictive and paralyzing effect on the brain and body. It influences and is capable of destroying. Kick it out...


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